Position: Director
Specialty: Chinese Medical Body Constitution, Chinese Medical Pathology, Chinese Medical Health Promotion , Clinical Research of Chinese Medicine Integrated with Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine Classics and Literature Research, Structure and Curriculum Design of Chinese Medicine Education
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 3101
E-mail: sychang@nricm.edu.tw
Division of Basic Chinese Medicine
Position: Research Fellow/Chief, Division of Basic Chinese Medicine
Specialty: Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Toxicology
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 6351, 6361
E-mail: ueng@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Research Fellow
Specialty: Neuroscience, Signal Transduction, Drug Abuse
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 8051, 8061
E-mail: andrew@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Neuroscience
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 4171, 4163
E-mail: yshiao@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Angiogenesis, Cancer, Endothelial Biology, Signal Transduction, Cell Biology
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 3671, 3691
E-mail: verona@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Anti-Diabetes Research, Anti-Metabolic Syndrome Research, Cell Biology, Signal Transduction
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 3711, 3721
E-mail: hk.liu@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Development of anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities of medicinal herbs, Tumor microenvironment and metastasis, Signal transduction in dendritic cells and MDSCs, Investigation of cancer immunotherapeutic effects of TCMs from Chinese medicine literatures
tel: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 3561(Office), 3551(Lab)
E-mail: jackwei@nricm.edu.tw
Division of Clinical Chinese Medicine
Position: Research Fellow / Chief, Division of Clinical Chinese Medicine
Specialty: Elucidating anti-stroke drugs and mechanisms by traditional Chinese medicines (TCM), Leukocyte Cell and Molecular Biology, Inflammation Mechanism and Neuron Protection
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 9101, 9121
E-mail: yuhcs@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Research Fellow / Deputy Director
Specialty: Inflammation, Chemotaxis, Osteoporosis
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 4481, 4531
E-mail: wfchiou@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty: Health policy research; Long-term care policy studies; Health promotion research; Epidemiologic studies on aging and health
Tel.: +886-2-2820-1999 ext. 4371
E-mail: changwc@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty: Longitudinal data analysis, Health policy, HIV/AIDS epidemiology, Social epidemiology, Mental health research, Life course research
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 4551
E-mail: icyc@nricm.edu.tw
Division of Chinese Medicinal Chemistry
Position: Research Fellow / Chief, Division of Medicinal Chemistry
Specialty: Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 8411, 8401
E-mail: mjdon@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Natural Product Chemistry, Cultural Techniques of Microbes
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 5441
E-mail: cklu@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Chinese Medicinal Chemistry, Medicinal/Organic Chemistry, and Phytochemical Analysis
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 8261, 8281
E-mail: lwt0220@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: TCM Antibody Library, Phage Display Antibody/Peptide Library, Computer-aided Drug Design, Natural Product Database, Structural bio-informatics
Tel: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 6241(Office), 6251(Lab)
E-mail: tkc@nricm.edu.tw
Position : Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty : Natural Product Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Protein Crystallization
Tel:+886-2-2820-1999 ext 6701
E-mail: iwenlo99@nricm.edu.tw
Division of Chinese Materia Medica Development
Position: Research Fellow / Chief, Division of Chinese Materia Medica Development
Specialty: Natural Product Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 7101, 7111
E-mail: lclin@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty: Cell Biology, Drug Screening
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 8091
E-mail: ctchiou@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Chinese Herb Cultivation
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 7071
E-mail: chencc@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Associate Research Fellow
Specialty: Natural Product Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Spectrometric Chemistry, Quality Control of Chinese Herbs
tel: +886-2-2820-1999 ext. 2621 (Office), 2531
E-mail: liawcc@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty: Natural Product Chemistry, Structure Determination of Organic Compounds, Chromatography
Tel.: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 7061, 7051
E-mail: yclin@nricm.edu.tw
Division of Chinese Medicine Literature and Informatics
Position: Research Fellow / Acting Chief, Division of Chinese Medicine Literature and Informatics
Specialty: Ancient Chinese Etymology, Unearthed Literature, Chinese Bibliology, Ancient Chinese Philology, Chinese Font from computer, and Digital Archive
tel: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 6281
E-mail: jkwyuen@nricm.edu.tw
Position: Assistant Research Fellow
Specialty: Ancient Chinese History, Chinese Medical Literature
tel: +886 2 2820-1999 ext. 6301, 6282
E-mail: omdatakada@nricm.edu.tw